Showing posts with label Big Sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Sky. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Big Sky, Montana

I'm sure somewhere in the travel agent book of secrets, there must be a whole section devoted to disparaging visits to relative's homes. However, I can't deny having a wonderful time again this year visiting my sister, brother-in-law and nephew in Big Sky, Montana.

Granted, this isn't the usual convertible sofas and sleeping bags in the living room type of trip. When they bought their home on the ski hill, they decided it made more sense to buy an extra condo in the nearby village than spend much more for an extra bedroom or two on the mountain.

The three bedroom condo where Jay, Amy, Julie and I stayed again this year is beautifully decorated, spacious and comfortable. However, to be perfectly honest, we mostly just returned "home" to sleep.

Early in the morning we made the short drive to the ski hill where the Yellowstone Club provides a nice spread of granola, fruit, coffee and other breakfast treats. A short time later, we rode high-speed quad chairlifts (individually covered by bubble shields to keep skiers warm) up to the top of uncrowded ski runs. Then, for lunch and dinner, my sister prepared gourmet meals.

After dinner, we usually split between men watching football and women watching "Gossip Girls" videos. A good time was had by all.

I won't go into more detail this year, but suffice it to say that Big Sky, Montana, is one of my favorite places in the world. The views are incredible, and the people are friendly.

After you've skied in Big Sky, it is very difficult to come back to the crowds of Big Bear. I can't sell you the trip I take, but if you want to go skiing, I do have ski packages available. Or you can visit mountains from a cruise ship in Alaska!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Skiing in Montana: April, 2007

How do I start telling you about the Yellowstone Club? It is, without exaggeration, the greatest ski resort on earth.

The Yellowstone Club is for members and their guests only, and to be a member, you need to buy a home or buy a lot with the intention to build a home.

Fortunately for me, I am on very good terms with the very first members of the Yellowstone Club, who bought their lot directly from the visionary builder himself, Tim Blixseth. They brought us to ski at the Yellowstone Club as their guests.

The photos have not been doctored. This is a big ski mountain with lots of high speed lifts, including many quad lifts with domes. The grooming of the runs is second to none, and it isn't unusual to be making fresh tracks in a groomed black diamond or intermediate run in the afternoon.

The Yellowstone Club has gradually added members through the years, and the ski resort facitilities, including several fantastic restaurants, are meticulously maintained and over-staffed with friendly, well-trained people. Because the sales come in multi-million dollar increments, they don't sweat the small stuff. There are always free cookies, coffee, cocoa, gourmet tea and other treats at the multiple restaurants on the mountain.


By the way, Big Sky, Montana, where the Yellowstone Club is located, also has other terrific mountains with relatively uncrowded slopes, especially compared with California resorts.