Thursday, April 8, 2021

Life Goes On!

It turns out the world hasn't come to an end quite yet, regardless of what gloom-sayers may have predicted.

As businesses gradually reopen or increase capacity, hopefully every state will be back to normal soon.

Whether your personal political beliefs permit you to attribute it to Trump's Project Warp Speed or Biden's management of distribution, vaccinations have continued the impressive rollout across the United States, with even young and healthy citizens clamoring to get Covid-19 injections like they are free Led Zeppelin reunion tickets being given to the tenth caller in an old-fashioned radio promotion.

That translates into people being ready to travel, even if cruise and lodging prices are making up for lost ground by increasing prices.  To some extent, that is simply supply and demand finding equilibrium.

After all, we have more money to spend.

The stock market continues to boom, so anyone who has tucked some money away in equities for retirement or a rainy day probably feels richer, even if tabs for groceries and gasoline have grown.

Once again, you may attribute that to the foundation laid by Trump or Biden's Green New Deal spending under new euphemisms like "Infrastructure" or "Covid-19 Relief," but the economy is growing.

It's time to get excited about life again.  Don't bury your head in the sand.  As the the late great George Harrison sang long ago, "Life goes on within you and without you."  And you control the focus of your attention, which in turn will become your reality.

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