Saturday, July 13, 2019

Unwrap Your Dream!

When you begin to plan that next great vacation, your dreams may elevate your mood immediately.

Planners love doing a bit of research on their own about ports they'll visit, perhaps reading the history of the region or researching the best snorkel beaches easily reached by public transportation.

Sometimes, however, you can get so bogged down in so many details that planning your vacation seems like a lot of work.

In addition, researching every single element of the trip might take away that spontaneity you've loved since childhood.

Quite frequently, the highlights of vacations turn out to be those unexpected moments.

What if your whole trip could be like that?

Excitement and discovery everywhere you go?

You'd want some general parameters regarding when you will go and what type of experiences you want to have.  

I have a proposal for you, especially if you find yourself with a week or two for travel leaving in a few weeks.

Instead of trying to start with specifics, share with me what you hope to experience and what you usually enjoy.  Of course, you'll also need a realistic budget.

And if you have any specifics in mind, such as visiting Aruba, visiting museums or cruising on a mega-ship with mind-blowing features, then we would definitely want to factor those in.

For the past couple of years, I've heard about a company called "Pack Up + Go," which plans surprise 3-day trips around the USA.  I can do that for you, too.

While finding out where you're going on the day you're scheduled to leave would definitely give you quite a surpirse, going with a more extensive trip like a week-long cruise or packaged tour might stretch the envelope outside of your comfort zone, especially if expensive air is involved.

Let's meet somewhere in between.  Tell me any must-haves, such as a tropical itinerary or a small-ship, and tell me what you can afford to pay.  We can go from there, possibly compromising on a few items that may not be as essential as you initially believe but always intent on finding a terrific vacation for you personally.

But consider stepping further out on a limb.  Give me a budget, tell me where you've been, and ask for something new and exciting, without getting too bogged down in the details if the general plan sounds intriguing.  Maybe what you really need to escape is something you've never considered before. The world awaits.

"Better service leads to better trips!"

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