The feel of warm sea water lapping around your feet as your toes sink into the wet sand while the glorious sun radiates warmth all the way to your solar plexus.
The taste of a pineapple smoothie.
The distant sound of a steel drum band playing a reggae version of "Happy."

Open your eyes and take in the magnificent Caribbean Sea, inexplicably turquoise and crystal clear at the same time.
Hand your empty drink to the waiter who conveniently appears, and pull your mask and snorkel over your face. Begin swimming from shore, immediately entering a strange new world teeming with brightly colored tropical fish.
There's nothing like a perfect day at a tropical beach, unless it is heading back to your floating resort for an evening of gourmet food and world class entertainment.
With the incredible modern amenities of ships over three football fields long that feature multiple pools, water slides, ziplining, rock climbing, ropes courses, miniature golf and more, you may find your family reluctant to go ashore.

Isn't it time for relaxing warm water vacation?
Here are seven ways to definitely know it is time for a Caribbean cruise.
1. You think relaxing after a hard work week is flipping between Fox News and CNN to see if they cover the same "breaking news" with a similar slant, yelling at the TV when the anchor's bias doesn't match your preconceived notions.

2. Your son just returned from his Ivy League college that costs you a fortune to tell you he is a socialist who will never work for a money-grubbing capitalist company. (You better show the kid exactly what money can buy before you spend a quarter of a million bucks educating him to hate the American way of life.)
3. That same Prius driver who cuts you off every morning of your commute when the right lane ends swerves in front of you again, but today you're seriously tempted to floor it so that the arrogant bastard spills his Starbucks frozen latte all over his Armani suit and the smart phone on which he arduously tweets away.
4. You can't remember seeing your spouse wearing anything other than frumpy house clothes, because it no longer matters.

5. The only time you spend with your daughter is when her cell phone is charging, and even then she never looks up from her thumbs dancing across the screen.
6. Fast food treats like pizza and Taco Bell now comprise 57% of your dinner menus.
7. Your active lifestyle exercise program has deteriorated into taking out the trash every other day, and even then you wait until the plastic bag is overflowing and instead tell your kid to do it, launching into a short self-righteous lecture about how he shouldn't have stuffed in another soda bottle after the he saw bin was obviously full.

Even if all elements of your daily life hum along idyllically, it helps to visit an alternative paradise a couple of times each year to refresh your mind, body and spirit.
The beach cities of Florida certainly beckon as wonderful places to begin a vacation, but if you live somewhere other than the Sunshine State, you may be able to begin tropical cruises closer to home.
With all the great new ships and conflicting promotions which may or may not be perfect for your family, you could stress yourself out searching the internet, or you can contact a friendly source who will gently guide you to the right choice.
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