Monday, May 21, 2012

Why cruise the Mediterranean this year?

Dubrovnik, Croatia
Why would anyone want to cruise the Mediterranean this year, of all years?

Air prices are considerably higher than last year, and the news makes it sound like Greeks and Arabs are rioting in the streets on a daily basis.

The Euro Zone might be on the verge of collapse, creating further uncertainty.

The amazing United States economy hasn't shaken off this recession within in two or three years, as it did after the 1999 Internet Bubble Burst and every other time except the Great Depression.

Corfu, Greece
And the Minnow from Gilligan's Island apparently had a better captain and crew than shipwrecked Costa Concordia, making you wonder if any cruise crews can be trusted to choose safe routes.


Uncertainty always creates opportunity.  After several straight years of unbridled growth spurred by Europeans, Americans and Asians hungry to explore the amazing Mediterranean, bad news, both real and exaggerated, has managed to overtake cruise line optimism that has increased fleet deployment in the region. 

Chania Harbor, Greece
In short, there is a glut of ships in the Med this summer relative to weakened demand.  When Concordia first crashed, I was asked if that had effected pricing, and at that point, it hadn't, especially for cruises in the Caribbean, Mexico or even Northern Europe.  Spring cruises, many of which had already been paid for, remained about like normal, although there are always last minute deals on sporadic offerings every season.

Greek coffee with artisan cheese and bread
Now that we've reached summer, however, it is obvious that Americans are staying closer to home, and Europeans are apparently holding tighter to their Euros under austerity measures after decades of loose government spending.

At this point, despite high air prices, the fares of select summer Mediterranean cruises are low enough to more than make up for it. 

An even better opportunity, however, is the chance to cruise the Mediterranean on an upscale ship with free air from select gateways, including LAX.  Yes, these trips have higher prices upfront, but when you look at what is included in addition to the air, and you consider the quality of the trip, this could be the time for you to take the greatest trip of your lifetime. 

Gina and her Daddy at Knossos on Crete
It is one of those times when you will look back and wonder why you didn't splurge a little while the opportunity was there. 

If you have lost your job, this message is NOT for you, unless you have already stored a way a comfortable nestegg.  If you are struggling to get by and don't have enough savings to pay for your trip, I'm not talking to you either.  I am talking to the majority of my clients who continue to earn solid salaries or well-planned retirements, with money budgeted for vacations and the time to travel to some of the greatest places in the world

If that's you, call me for the trip of a lifetime.  Better service leads to better trips!