Showing posts with label wild buffalo by the road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild buffalo by the road. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Splitting Spring Breaks

I suppose splitting Spring Breaks into different weeks has a net positive effect, as cruises and vacation destinations don't become overwhelmed by hordes snatching a few days of relaxation and adventure during some of the best weather of the year over a single week.

When children within the same family have different weeks off, however, it complicates vacation plans. We recently straddled two different weeks off with a ski trip. Instead of all driving together to Montana as we hoped, Julie ended up flying roundtrip, joined by my sweet mother and one child in each direction, and of course the airline wouldn't let us split a roundtrip ticket between two different passengers, so it has bumped the price considerably higher. Actually, my oldest daughter works as a researcher at Columbia University in New York City, and her school took spring break a couple of weeks ago, but she dislikes skiing and had little interest in going on this trip.

We would all like to avoid unnecessary costs on our vacations, but often our schedules require spending a little more. Yes, a cruise in the fall inevitably costs less than the same trip in the summer, but if summer is when you can take your vacation, then this really isn't a choice at all.

Similarly, if you need to block your vacation space six months in advance, waiting for a "last minute deal" that may or may not materialize for the week you need it is completely impractical. In the final analysis, we must put aside all of that "woulda, coulda, shoulda" nonsense and do what we can. If it costs a few extra dollars, so be it. Sometimes that intensifies our appreciation of the experience. We had 12 inches of fresh snow waiting for us when we arrived in Big Sky, and if we had "cheaped-out," we wouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy that fresh snow on an 80 inch base under sunny spring skies.