Be one of the first to book your room aboard Sapphire Princess on a terrific new West Coast itinerary from Los Angeles.
If you're one of those folks who wonders why there aren't more cruise alternatives from Los Angeles, it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that cruise lines will keep listening to your requests.
Visit some of the most terrific California cities: Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego, and, of course, you will have started your journey in Zorro's home town, Los Angeles. Whether you want cool cities, beautiful beaches, fine dining or great shopping, you'll find some of the best California has to offer on this cruise. A visit to Ensenada, Mexico, meets the requirement of calling on a foreign port, and there are terrific optional winery or La Bufadora tours there to cap off your trip.
If you snooze, you may lose. Demand is expected to be strong for these limited departures. Book early, and if an applicable promotion becomes available to improve your lot, is happy to improve your deal. However, if you don't book and prices go up, you have no guarantee of getting these early booking rates. If you are a past guest of Princess or meet some other special category, you may qualify for even better rates.
Take advantage of a special reduced deposit of only $100 per person under our fleet-wide Princess cruise sale.