My wife loves to read travel books in anticipation of a vacation. Always a prolific reader, Julie begins at the public library with whatever books are available there. Although the library books sometimes do not contain the most current information, the crème de la crème locations tend to improve with age and thus do not become outdated as places to visit.
After determining the best books about the targeted vacation areas, Julie visits books troes and purchases the newest versions plus any others that seem particularly enlightening.

Harrap’s French Phrase Book proved to be quite useful in translating menus, signs and language. Its small size made it easy to stick in my back pocket to pull out when needed. Although a more complete dictionary would have often been helpful, we effectively utilized many of the included phrases.
Julie had taken French in high school, so she knew proper pronunciation and a few words in French. I studied Pro One Multimedia Windows French. It included a feature where clicking on the phrase played an audio track. Often, the phrases were ridiculously inappropriate, like “J’admets que j’ai pris la montre” (“I admit that I took the watch”), but the CD effectively taught syntax and prononuciation. The multiple choice game format kept me entertained for the ten buck price tag, but a more serous traveler might want a more in depth program.
Julie had taken French in high school, so she knew proper pronunciation and a few words in French. I studied Pro One Multimedia Windows French. It included a feature where clicking on the phrase played an audio track. Often, the phrases were ridiculously inappropriate, like “J’admets que j’ai pris la montre” (“I admit that I took the watch”), but the CD effectively taught syntax and prononuciation. The multiple choice game format kept me entertained for the ten buck price tag, but a more serous traveler might want a more in depth program.

Of course, I should add the step of phoning me to book a tour, whether that is a self-guded B & B or something more structured, because "Better service leads to better trips."