We decided to stay at the Expo Hotel for our last night in Europe. While we loved La Rambla, this modern hotel promised to be a step nicer for less money than the Atlantis where we stayed pre-cruise, and it was conveniently located near the Sants Metro Station.
We walked along the waterfront dragging our rolling suitcases behind us to a Metro station. We confidently traced out our route on the map, and off we went on the train.
Without speaking English, a Barcelona native noted that we each had our rolling bag and a backpack slung over our shoulders and warned us to beware of pickpockets. He combined motions with some words in Catalan, which is close enough to Spanish for Amy to understand.
We walked along the waterfront dragging our rolling suitcases behind us to a Metro station. We confidently traced out our route on the map, and off we went on the train.

He seemed like a friendly fellow, but having heard previously about pickpocket scams in Barcelona where the criminals first gain your trust, we couldn't help being a little leery about his unsolicited advice.
We arrived a the first station with the word Sants in it, and dragged our bags off the Metro train in the brief stop.
“Gee, the doors sure closed quickly, didn't they?”
“Where's Amy?”

Next to her stood the “helpful” stranger, looking at us with what seemed to be concern.