Princess does a great job with all their shore excursions, and it can be difficult choosing from the many offered in their colorful and descriptive booklet. Booking shore excursions through the cruise ship makes life simpler, and that is worth some premium, but with four of us taking shore excursions in three ports, we opted to book online in advance through an independent company, Tours by Johann & Sandra. While no third party shore excursion company gives you the total security of booking through the cruise ship, Johann and Sandra offer more flexibility than many operators, and the prices of most tours are $15 to $30 per person less than similar tours through the cruise lines. We had a very good experience using Johann & Sandra, but you should always use caution when booking with an independent excursion operator, whether on line or at the pier. Not all similarly named excursions are equivalent offerings, and there are scam artist happy to take your money to leave you high and dry. Also, always be certain that your scheduled excursion fits in the time frame you will be in port.
In Puerto Vallarta, we took a $16 taxi to the Adventure Tours office about 20 minutes away. We tend to be cautious about arriving on time, so this put us there over an hour before our report time, which was another half hour before our scheduled departure time.
We checked in and walked to a nearby shopping zone, which was a series of shaded booths and restaurants lining a trail leading to the beach. A good selection of merchandise and friendly merchants tempted us, but we didn't want to carry anything with us to our Canopy Tour. We decided to get cold drinks and snacks before returning to the tour office, and in a nearby park we found a nice palapa patio restaurant called Cafe Bolero. Two beers and beef nachos for $11 was the special, but they let us sustitute Diet Cokes for the beers, so we bought two orders. The salsa and guacamole included were terrific side dishes. We enjoyed the great meal and pleasant setting, but soon it was time to go.
We arrived back at the tour company a few minutes before our 1 PM scheduled departure time, but even after putting on bug repellant in preparation for our trip to the jungle, the bus still did not arrive. Sitting around a hot tour office without enough seats for three dozen tourists waiting for an extra half hour and then taking in a bumpy bus ride through a traffic mess was less than pleasant, b
ut sometime around 2 we arrived at Pancho's Last Resort, and Puerto Vallarta became quite wonderful again. Outfitted with equipment and educated with humorous instruction by our crew of "jungle monkeys," as they called themselves, we were ready to start hiking up the mountain to our first platform.

A videographer would suddenly jump on the cable right next to different ladies and film them as they ziplined through the trees, encouraging them to let go of the "Mexican motorcycle" handlebars and look at the river far below from an upside down position. With Julie and Amy both filmed while zipping, we had to buy the video, which at $40 was attractive enough to get a cheapskate like me to buy it.
I still kick myself for not buying the video of Julie and I swimming with sharks and stingrays in Moorea on our Tahiti cruise because the French videographer wanted $79, which just seemed too high. How much is too much to capture a once-in-a-lifetime experience? You have to answer that for yourself.

That night, we were all tired, but Julie and I went to watch juggler Dan Bennett. Hearing jugglers will perform turns off some people, but I've frequently found jugglers to have hilarious, engaging shows. Dan Bennett is among the best. A former physics professor at UCLA (his parents must be so happy that he gave up that frivolous job to become a juggler on a cruise ship), his funny but intellectual patter stretches what you think about juggling. He must have been an amazing teacher.