Saturday, July 17, 2021

First Fortnight in Philly

Our daughter Gina and son-in-law Laszlo could not have made us feel more welcome since we arrived in the greater Philadelphia region a couple of weeks ago.

They arranged lots of great meals and happy hours, let us stay in their comfortable guest room and entertained us with movies, games and other entertainment.

I wrote about our wonderful Fourth of July weekend for my CruisePlanners1 blog, which is linked here.

Last Saturday, we all attended a jazz concert at the Bryn Mawr Gazebo, a park setting not unlike where Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band might have played had they been real.  In fact, the middle act, a brass quinter plus drummer included "Penny Lane," which was written for that Beatles album but released on the follow-up "Magical Mystery Tour." 

Mostly, however, we spent a lot of time fixing up the new house in Ardmore and shopping for stuff to put in it, and there Gina and Laszlo helped make it all happen.

Gina organized lots of memorobilia stuffed into twelve UPS boxes in the Attic, helped assemble an Ikea nightstand  and did lots more, while Laszlo helped with the Ikea bed and carrying furniture. 

Considering they work full time...and I'd say Gina works many hours beyond full's amazing they had the energy.  

They also kept us from going to crazy by occasionally getting us to play Mexican Train Dominoes or watch an old black-and-white movie, including the 1935 Fred Estaire-Ginger Rogers classic "Top Hat," which I had never seen.

Where was our granddaughter Emma?

She's been in camp, where she put on a great performance on keyboard and vocal of a song she learned while there.  We were quite impressed by Emma's poise and talent, having never seen her sing while accompanying herself on piano.

The show went out over Zoom for all the families back home to a link called "Waldo Photo," where we could try to find Emma among the assorted pictures.

We look forward to being able to spend some more time with Emma and her parents and hopefully her Aunt Amy when we return to our eastcoast outpost in the fall.

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