Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ramble About Ambleside

Upon arrival at our cottage in Grasmere, Jay set up a folding table in the living room and began assembling a jigsaw puzzle from a box that appropriately showed a vintage MG in a bustling Lake District village that I think is Windermere.

Over the course of our stay between strolls into town, exploring Sizergh Castle and other sites, and games at the kitchen table, all of us took turns adding pieces to the unfinished picture as our numbers in the rental home dwindled like some inverse Dorian Gray-like painting.

After breakfast at Green's Cafe, it was time for Jay and Sasha to depart for Scotland for the next leg of their vacation.  The puzzle had still not been completed.  In fact, we had the feeling a number of pieces must be missing, but we kept at it after Jay and Sasha rolled out of the driveway in their rental car, which they might have imagined to be their classic MG back home as they looked out over its hood.

That afternoon, it rained more seriously than it had thus far.  Despite being down to half our original number, by the evening, with Herculean effort we managed to finish the quarter of the puzzle previously undone.  I must admit I probably found the fit for only a half dozen pieces, so I was not exactly a Greek god-man in the competion effort spearheaded by the determined Gina.  As you'll note in the photo above, it was still missing quite a few pieces, including along the edge, which most puzzlers complete before continuing.

Before that forecast afternoon rain appeared, however, we decided to take a short roadtrip of our own to Ambleside, another lovely, bustling village similar to Windermere.

Upon finding a parking space, we immediately hiked to see Stock Ghyll Force, a waterfall a short walk from downtown Ambleside.

It has been refined over the years to the point where it isn't so much a hike as a rigorous walk through a lovely park.

Emma experienced it as an opportunity to practice her mountain climbing along the sides of the trail.

The waterfall wasn't as big as I remembered it from the first time Julie and I went to England.

I guess we've been spoiled by Ousel Falls, but it made a nice destination and motivation for a stroll through natural beauty.

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