Friday, February 8, 2019

The Green New Deal and Travel

My wife recently found herself embroiled in a debate about the Green New Deal proposed by rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As expected, young people jumped in to support the lofty goals of zero net carbon emissions inexplicably linked to a guaranteed livable income in a socialist utopia where every building in America is to be replaced to increase energy efficiency...although of course construction including building highly toxic batteries to store all that alternative energy would undoubtedly increase carbon gases.

It would seem to be in contrast to other policies considered sacrosanct by the same people, such as open borders, which regardless of how you may feel otherwise about the subject would undoubtedly balloon our population.  That population bomb in itself would increase gross greenhouse gases while at the same time diverting government funds to social services (especially if everyone is guaranteed high salaries and jobs for life as soon as they arrive) and require even more infrastructure to accommodate them.

And how about Russian collusion?  If we have open borders, then people from all over the world --- including people from Russia and 5 billion others who envy our current lifestyle --- would be welcome to come to our country and influence it, not to mention the fact that the entire socialism scam falls right in line with long dead Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Premier Nikita Kruschev's projection that socialism would bury our capitalist system.

But I digress.

The fact is that in America, the pendulum inevitably swings from side to side, usually without reaching extremes, and the fact that so many young people take this proposal as seriously as they do is a harbinger of things to come.

I know I certainly bought into the same kind of logic when as a student I would drive my Fiat 850 Spider to the West Coast Fox Theater for Saturday night concerts.  Often an opening act, my favorite local band Boone's Farm earnestly sang to that young crowd of fellow young believers, "Cool breeze, how long will it blow? Green trees, how tall will they grow? All men, you reap what you sow. Ten years, maybe then no more...Sunshine!!!"

Yeah, our gurus predicted global cooling that would starve the world by the 1990's.  But warming, cooling, apparently it all means the same thing these days: manmade climate change...which does conveniently let politicians off the hook for achieving climate goals.  I can say that Los Angeles air is cleaner now than in 1972, and I hear experts no longer say we're going to freeze, so I guess my long-haired generation saved the planet.

We currently have a President who has cut massive amounts of government regulations and taxes in order to encourage business including manufacturers to relocate into the USA and to have the flexibility to be able to give employees raises to make up for years of stagnant wages.

As to whether you attribute that to President Trump's policies or would agree with President Obama that he didn't build that economy is irrelevant.

The only factor that really matters is that at this moment, if you are like the average American, you probably have more disposable income than you have had in a long time, possibly more than you'll have in the future, given realities of socialism proven repeatedly since Karl Marx came up with his class warfare strategy.

If you've read this far, you are also most likely more physically vital than you will be ten years from now, although I know some people who improved physical fitness every year well into their sixties.

I know others who didn't live much longer than that or died prematurely early.

Tom Petty seemed to fall into both of those categories.

In any case, regardless of whether Ocasio-Cortez is right or wrong and whether the Green New Deal comes to pass or dies in ignominy like so many Soviet Five-Year Plans, you have a chance to enjoy world travel right now.

As an Economist --- and yes, according to my college degree, that's what I actually am --- I can categorically state that big government with high taxes inevitably stagnates an economy and concurrently decreases individual freedoms.

Airplanes don't currently need to be powered by windmills or be grounded at night to wait for the sun to come out.  You are not being scammed out of twice the cost of the flight to buy "carbon credits" sold by a dictator of some third world country where they burn elephant dung to keep warm or by their Chinese government overlords. China, incidentally, would feel no compunction to replicate our zero-emissions standards in a country with currently four times US population.

More importantly, cruise ships haven't been forced to use only sails, which could certainly be pleasant but would make staying on a seven-night itinerary more challenging for mega-ships.

We live in a unique time in history, in a country that gives us freedom to travel undreamt of by our ancestors.

Where do you want to go before you die...or the Green Deal leaves you without travel chips to play?

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