Saturday, July 14, 2018

Is Oceania's Recipe Right for You?

For families aboard state-of-the-art mega-ships with activities like sky diving, surfing, full production Broadway shows, go carts and laser tag, ports with sandy beaches may complete the ideal vacation.

At some point, however, you may decide to branch out to visit other landmark destinations you've seen in action movies or read about in romance novels.

Large ships will take you to the most famous ports.  Smaller ships visit  those iconic cities too, but they add intriguing smaller ports like Portofino that larger ships would overwhelm.

Oceania has found a ready audience of port collectors.  The strength of their pull for repeat passengers, most of whom have experienced large ship cruising, is testament to Oceania's success in filling this niche.

But being a destination specialist is not the only draw.

Oceania guests become accustomed to the finest dining at sea, with several sensational alternative dining venues without additional charges.  You only need to make reservations, and you can do that beginning weeks before your cruise.

But don't misunderstand that to imply you wouldn't enjoy the main dining room.

All of the food served aboard Ocenaia ships is simply superb.

It's not surprising therefore to find that many repeat Oceania guests are ardent "foodies."

Recognizing that many who enjoy fine cuisine like to prepare gourmet meals themselves, Oceania has deluxe instructional kitchens on board where guests can learn to make signature dishes of the areas visited.

Oceania even has excursions into marketplaces in ports for those whose passion for food entices them to go to the source to see how the best chefs select premium ingredients to complete the finest feasts.

While all of this might sound great to you, perhaps you've seen pricing that seems so much higher than Princess, Celebrity and Holland America that you think it couldn't possibly be justified, especially because you love your favorite big ships.  I feel you, brothers and sisters!

Keep in mind that unlike most other "lead rates," Oceania's pricing includes roundtrip air from a major airport near your home, and the flight itineraries are quite good.  As their fans will volunteer, Oceania doesn't do anything half-hearted.

If cashing air miles could be an option for your flights, you can save hundreds off the price.  For example, declining "free air" to Europe could result in a credit of $1100 per person.

Once you've factored that in, you will see that the pricing may not be as much of a stretch as you thought, especially if you usually book Mini-Suites or Suites on big ships.  Accommodations on Oceania are all spacious, and because the public areas on board never feel crowded and their itineraries tend to be port-intensive, you may find you can get by without having a private balcony.

Another factor in stretching your travel dollar is OLife choice, which includes free internet throughout your voyage.  Currently, you can also choose one of three possible additional amenities.

The most popular choice seems to be free shore excursions. 10-night cruises, for example, include 6 free excursions (3 per person for both first and second guests), whereas 7-night cruises give you 4 per room.  Considering some are full-day tours valued up to $199 each, that takes a huge chunk out of the price difference.

The House Beverage Package with free beer, wine and champagne with lunch and dinner is also a solid choice, but considering you can buy that for $39.95 per person per day, it isn't worth as much, if indeed you plan to do shore excursions.

The third choice of on board credits has the lowest intrisic value.

But will you be entertained on board like on a big ship?

On a somewhat smaller scale, Oceania touches all the bases for most adults.

Oh, and did I mention taxes?


That's because Oceania includes all taxes as well as port charges in their advertised cruise fare, so if the price seems high, remember that's the total price including air, taxes, free alternative dining, free internet and your choice of another generous amenity.

The pleasures of smaller ship cruising may seem subtle at first.  Always polite, civilized behavior.  Excellence when you might have settled for good.  Easy access to ports, including no hassles getting on or off the ship and free shuttles to the center of the port city, unless you're already docked in the middle of town.

It all compounds to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

The Oceania experience is not for everyone, but you'll know instinctively if it might be right for you.

I'd be happy to help you explore possibilities.

"Better service leads to better trips!"

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