Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Travel Is the Best Way to Thinking

Every time someone I admire makes their transition to heaven, I find myself reconsidering what a limited span of seasons a lifetime truly is.

Yet, we often act as if we have all the time in the world to visit the places we've dreamt of going.

When I learned that Moody Blues founding member Ray Thomas had passed away, it made me want to shake everyone I know and shout, "Wake up and make the most of your time on earth!"

I wrote an article about that (linked here), including videos featuring Ray's timeless music along with other clips about amazing places I've been as well as places I still want to experience for myself.

One of my favorite Moody Blues songs back in the day was "Thinking Is the Best Way to Travel."

Sitting in a comfy chair after a long week of school --- where ironically I seldom devoted my efforts to maximizing the task at hand: learning to think --- seemed about as good as it could get.

As I've aged, I still find great value in meditation and contemplation, but the best place for stretching my mind is not ensconced in my nest but spreading my wings, traveling the world.

Indeed, I've found that actually travel is the best way for thinking.

Where have you always wanted to go?

The clock is ticking!

Let me help you get there.

"Better service leads to better trips!"

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