It's rather amazing how quickly humans adapt.

It became a habit on the cruise, and when I returned home, I started adding milk to my coffee, which for some reason made it necessary to add a little more Splenda.
I'd started using a half packet of Splenda maybe twenty years ago, when Julie began insisting on freshly ground vanilla nut coffee instead of the usual Yuban, which I always drank black.

That capacity to adapt goes far beyond coffee.
Ten years ago, for example, most of us still carried cameras on vacations to take photos rather than using pocket-sized smart phones, and twenty years ago, few people thought about bringing a computer along.
Fifty years ago, few people considered flying to a vacation or taking a cruise, choosing instead to drive cars on a new fad, the family road trip, which kids like me already took for granted.
But just sixty years ago, the American interstate highway system that made cross-country road trips practical was still in its infancy.

I enjoy reading multi-generational historic novels which offer perspectives on how civilization has adapted over the years, with the most recent novel being "New York" by Edward Rutherford. Incidentallz, I recommend "New York" to anyone visiting the Big Apple. Of course, the changes between generations evolve through individual lifetimes.
As we grow older, looking back over our own lives, we can easily see how progress continued to open new possibilities, but also how some will never appreciate what's available to them.
Have you always thought a cruise vacation must be only for the wealthy?
There certainly are some cruises that would initially seem impossible to afford, especially if your young family struggles to make ends meet, but not only does the world around you progress, your personal fortunes also change over time.
It's like the well-known story of training elephants, where lessons learned as babies limit perceived possibilities as adults.
What's holding you back?
Perhaps you're now empty nesters who still act as if you have children to support, or maybe you've gone through a series of promotions as your career progressed to find yourself with extra spending money.
Consider your financial situation today as opposed to what it was when you were a struggling student.
And everyone can skip the $5 Starbucks Latte a few times a month. You'd be surprised at how quickly you find yourself with extra savings that add up to enough for a three-night cruise.

Begin by contacting to learn all about a cruise close to your home.
Before long, you'll be an experienced cruiser, ready to plan your next great vacation.
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