Monday, July 18, 2016

Big Sky with the Megas Family

Big Sky always lives up to its name, but we don't always take the time to appreciate the magnificent views after dinner.

It's nice to be goaded into venturing out at 9 PM to appreciate the sunset, even if perhaps my nephew Brett and niece Bree had a hidden agenda of catching Pokémon.  

Whatever works to get us out to appreciate beauty all around us is a good thing, I say.

Their younger brother Bradley had provided the stimulus to get them to Big Sky in the first place.

He'd requested a downhill biking adventure in Big Sky as his high school graduation trip, and having ridden Ramcharger Lift up to several challenging downhill runs on his first day at Big Sky Mountain, Brad had fallen asleep early
The next day, the three young people and their parents, Julie's brother John and his wife Toren, enjoyed a long day in Yellowstone National Park, but Julie and I passed, having been there quite recently.
On Thursday, Bradley was back on a fat-tired downhill bike tearing it up along with Brett.

Lest I forget, we enjoyed some terrific lunches at Montana Jack's patio tables with panoramic views of the slopes, though Brett and I actually scarfed down Yeti Dogs with "the works" purchased at another restaurant on the first day.

My nephews' sister Bree is a big fan of classic rock and loves going to concerts, so she probably most anticipated the Concert in the Park that evening, but the boys enjoyed the show, too.

We didn't head to the concert until five minutes before the show was scheduled to start, but we still managed to snag seats in the front row, if there is such a thing as a front row in a park with open seating.

The Jamie McClean Band from New York City was terrific!  (By the way, the video of the band playing was not filmed in Big Sky Town Center.)

By the end of the night, it became a big party in front of our seats, and Bree coaxed her dad and me to get up and dance. John and Bree proceeded to break into Pete Townsend's patented windmill move, inexplicably done with both arms by John, who apparently is ambidextrous and would be twice as good as the Who's guitarist if given the opportunity.

Beehive Basin

We brought the Megas clan to some other favorites.

Beehive Basin had more wildflowers than we'd seen just a few days earlier, which pleased Bree, who loves flowers and plants.

At Beehive Basin, on prior visits our son Jay has climbed to the tree line on a nearby bluff above the lake, always directed by Julie and me to get back quickly, but Brett took that add-on to a new level after we ate our lunch of Planters Nuts and bottled water.

When he'd been gone at least a half hour and was nowhere in site, Brad took off after him, panicking his dad when he chose to scale the rock cliff face rather than take an easier path up the side, but he made it.

Another half hour passed, and John tried texting the boys.  Fortunately, he got through, or they might be in Canada by now.  Brett took some great photos from his hike, including a last shot of all he had left to go over the Spanish Peaks.

Brett's Photos

Back to My Photos

Ousel Falls

No visit to Big Sky in summer is complete without a hike to Ousel Falls, so we squeezed that in before they hit the road back to their Colorado home on Saturday morning.

I think it is safe to say that a good time was had by all in Big Sky.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying your photos and comments, Wes. It also gives me some ideas for future trips. For example, even though we've had mechanical problems and have had to reroute our whole trip, we will be driving through Colorado on the I-70 and will be passing through Frisco. Without your posts I wouldn't even have heard of it. Maybe we'll stop there now. Thanks for all your sharing and stay safe out there!