Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Salute

Often we hear politicians tout their own "public service" by praising some other government officeholder who "sacrificed" for his country.

"Sacrificed," it would seem, means accepting a prestigious job with a fat paycheck, Cadillac healthcare plan, free world travel, and generous pension.

That "servant" will then have his retirement income supplemented by huge checks for speeches and lobbying efforts.

The men and women of our military, however, put their very lives on the line the moment they enlist or accept a commission.

While they may not find themselves in a war zone, they understand that risk to be inherent when they sign up.

They won't retire after a few years to live pampered lives like politicians, and in fact far too many will either not survive their tours or return with their young bodies mangled, often as a result of politically motivated "rules of engagement" drafted in some plush DC office.

It is right, therefore, that at least a few special days each year we take a moment to give thanks to our brave troops, past and present, and also for the families and friends who provide cherished support networks of comfort and appreciation.

On Memorial Day, we give a special salute to the men and women who gave their lives in the service of our country and take time to contemplate their very real personal sacrifice in service of freedom throughout the world. 

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