Thursday, August 20, 2015

19 Reasons For Taking a Cruise Before the End of the Year (But Who's Counting?)

Ocean View Dining on Celebrity Solstice

Believe it or not, summer is almost over, and while last minute deals may be available to some destinations, you probably aren't in a position to drop everything and go.  Most people need at least a few weeks to clear out their social calendars and DVRs before they can take off, but if those restrictions don't apply to you and you're ready to cruise, let me know.

Those who planned ahead, of course, are even now anticipating a terrific cruise in the upcoming weeks.

Alternative Ocean View Dining at Solstice's Lawn Club
We have clients booked for sensational cruises to diverse destinations like the Caribbean, Holy Lands, Alaska, Mexico, Greek Isles, Hawaii, Rhine River, Bahamas and West Coast for that wonderful period from the sun-drenched end of summer through temperate Golden October.

Don't let the rest of the year pass you by without taking a vacation.  Below are 19 Reasons to take a cruise before the end of the year.

1. Summer crowds dissipate when most children return to school in September.  This can be especially true in Europe, where most of that population takes several weeks of paid vacation during the summer.

Sidewalk Bistros in Strasbourg, France in October, 2014
Even if those Europeans are traveling close to home, they inevitably make a quaint village or big city more crowded in summer and somewhat less pleasant, especially if you eschew crowds.

2. Obviously, if you have children, you may believe you would not be able to take a trip during the fall because they must be in school, but moms and dads should take time to remember who they were before children entered the picture, and why they fell in love.

Perhaps your retired parents could step in to give you a break, and indeed they might even cherish the opportunity and your acknowledged trust.

San Juan's Music Didn't Stop for Hurricane Season (Oct, 2000)
3. The fall always has the best prices of the year for Mexican Riviera and Caribbean cruises.  As ships return from summer homes in Alaska and Europe to North America's subtropical regions and children return to school, supply outstrips demand, bringing prices down.
You might pay 70% less than a summer time cruise to the same region.  In addition, the wide choice of ships means we can tailor the trip even more to suit your desires.

Fighting Crowds, Fiji Style (Nov., 2010)
4. The dangers of hurricane season are more than compensated by huge savings and a little insurance. For a quick primer on why it's a good gamble to travel during hurricane season, click here.

5. Repositioning cruises open up unique opportunities not available most of the year.  You can take a cruise that includes the Caribbean and Europe, or head from North America to Australia or Asia by way of Hawaii and the South Pacific.  These 15 to 35 day cruises offer great value for those who savor sea days.  Repositioning cruises are essentially modestly priced world cruise segments.

As a bonus, the gradual progress across the ocean absorbs those time change hours that can otherwise lead to jet lag when traveling between continents.  Special presentations by knowledgeable lecturers about the areas being visited and other activities plus world-class entertainment punctuate relaxing sea days.

Amy with Santa Claus for Carubbean Christmas in 2006.

6. Holiday cruises make wonderful Christmas presents for your entire family.  Check out your storage space, and ask yourself if you really need a lot more stuff.

Many of us have been so blessed that we don't use half of what we already own (if we can find it in out overpacked garages).  In fact, many people prepping their houses to sell realize how much more liveable and attractive their homes become when they clear out the clutter, making them re-consider their prior answer to the question, "Love it or list it?"

Give your family memories that will last a life time instead of more toys strewn into the room from overstuffed closets. 

Panama Canal Stop in Scenic Cartagena, Columbia
7 through 18. Yada yada yada.  I know you probably aren't planning to read much more.  After all, you've already spent too much time away from exchanging Snapchats with Hillary Clinton, so let's just pretend I made brilliant, positive points that have you chomping at the bit to contact  I prefer to emphasize the positives rather than negatives of non-action, but there is one more point which must be made for the sake of your mental health.

19.  People who don't take vacations go crazy.  Let's hear a report from Dr. Jagger and his R.S. Cohort regarding their clinical observations almost fifty years ago of a woman who lived at the very cusp of the era when destination cruises became affordable and mainstream, but who sadly failed to take advantage of that historic breakthrough.

Fortunately, those of us who live in the future world of the 21st Century no longer need suffer this malady, because better service leads to better trips!

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