Saturday, October 11, 2014

Travel Tips From the Seven Dwarfs: Dopey

Walt Disney and his Seven Dwarfs
If Walt Disney developed "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" today, I doubt he would have selected such insulting names for the Dwarfs. 

Undoubtedly, someone would have challenged his intolerance of the vertically challenged evident in the negative stereotypes, which of course are neither exclusive to nor endemic within the Dwarf community.

"Snow White and the Huntsman," a 2012  movie starring Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart, has inoffensive names: Beith, Muir, Quert, Coll, Duir, Gort, Nion, and Gus.  (You may also note there are Eight Dwarfs in this retelling of the Brothers Grimm Classic, so it could be argued that they changed the names to avoid a trademark or copyright infringement lawsuit from Disney, and based on the trailer, I would further surmise they didn't want to introduce comedic elements into this dark fantasy action movie, but that wouldn't support my point as well, so let's ignore those inconvenient theories like MSNBC ignores most recent reality.)

Perhaps the most offensive Dwarf name of all is Dopey. 

Nobody wants to be known as Dopey.

Well, come to think of it, entertainment icons started using the word "dope" a couple of years ago to mean cool or great or something positive (sorry, my hip has hopped), so maybe Dopey would now be a complimentary name and an elected official would appreciate being called Dopey.

However, I doubt it. 

All that aside, as Forest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Even Dopey could end up on a better vacation than you if he contacts while you inadvertanty make the wrong choices for your own plans. 

Using a knowledgeable travel agent doesn't cost you money.  It saves you money. 

More importantly, when you take a vacation, the time you invest traveling is more significant than the money.  After all, you can always earn more money, but you can never get back that week that turns out to be more like purgatory than the paradise you thought you bought.  And when you consider that for Europe, Asia and many other destinations, the air and pre-cruise land stay can cost as much as the cruise itself, scrimping on the centerpiece of your vacation makes even less sense.

Be smart. Plan your cruise with a travel expert.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ---  Philo

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