Saturday, September 3, 2011

Should You Feel Guilty About Cruising?

I currently have the privilege of working with a religious association on their national conference, which they will be holding at sea this year.

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
One of the reverends mentioned that in the ministry, she and her husband were not used to being pampered, going on to say they would feel selfish.

In college, I took about as many World Religion classes as I took in my major subject, Economics.  In conjunction with all those Sunday school classes I attended as a child at First Brethren Church in Seal Beach as well as assorted church services as an adult, I've learned "selfish" is a pejorative word for most religions.

Tulum, Near Cozumel
I jotted down a quick reply, and she wrote back thanking me for what I wrote and saying she would share it with others having similar guilt issues.  Just in case you feel guilty about going on a cruise, I thought I should share the same message, which is based to a large extent on what I learned in school and in life about economics, with you:

The Parthenon, Rome
As far as being "selfish" and not feeling guilty, consider that a happy person is never a burden on someone else, so by doing your best to enjoy your life, whether through the joys of altruism or a lovely meal, you make life better for others.
Consider that if cruise passengers did not enjoy dining room experiences, there would be no demand for the cooking and serving staff.
Many of those people and their families would live in abject poverty in third world countries, dependent on the whims of corrupt politicians, were it not for the opportunities made possible by cruise lines who cater to clients like you.

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
Instead, those staffers are allowed to earn a living providing valuable services to grateful passengers, and as a result, they can support families in their homelands.
On most cruises, 50 or more countries are represented by the onboard staff, and they all manage to co-exist harmoniously. Cruises are better than any government sponsored foreign aid program in advancing freedom. Smile, you're helping to save the world from poverty by taking a cruise.

Better service leads to better trips.

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