Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Someday for Baby Boomers

I take training classes with various cruise lines on an almost daily basis, and at some point, courses almost inevitably break off those born after 1981 as a group called the "Me Generation."

While it may seem like generalization, some attributes, both positive and negative, do seem to apply to a lot of people I know in that age group, although we all know obvious exceptions.

Splendour of the Seas in Dubrovnik, Croatia
 These tech savvy kids live in the moment, and they're somewhat self-centered and used to having unpleasant things done for them by their parents. Of course, the GI Generation would say the same was true for Baby Boomers when they were that age.  Many in this group also happen to value a knowledgeable travel agent, so I love them. They understand how easily scams can be perpetrated online and, perhaps as a result of experience doing it themselves a few times, know that when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. What really sets them apart from other generations, however, is how many have already built resumes of travel experiences well beyond what their income could possibly have justified.

Warwick Castle, England
As such, I'm not writing this article for them. I am writing primarily for the original Baby Boomers, who remember when Credence Clearwater Revival 's Someday Never Comes was a new song.
Bora Bora
Do you remember being young as vividly as I do? Perhaps you sat around with friends in a garage and talked about the things you'd do Someday? Or maybe you remember watching "The Love Boat" or "Fantasy Island," thinking Someday you'd go on a great trip. Many of you have been waiting for Someday, and ironically you now see your kids off on their "Someday" adventures, financed in part by sacrifices you made for them. I'm not begrudging the kids having a good time, but you don't need to live your life vicariously through your children. Perhaps it's time to visit your Someday dreams, while you still have the vim and vitality to enjoy your Someday in the way you always envisioned it.

Oh, and if you're a Gen Xer or a member of the GI Generation, consider this to be a kick in the pants for you too.

Sydney, Australia
None of us are getting any younger. I'm not saying to blow your life savings or spend money you don't have, but you may be surprised how much better you perform at work just knowing you have a vacation planned.
Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

Plus, when you go on vacation, you stimulate the economy. Taking a cruise does more good for third world countries than all our government programs combined, because you put money in the hands of people like your room steward, who earns a living by providing great service. Thus, not only have you helped the people of his village in the short run, you have planted the seed of capitalism.

And, of course, if you're happy, then you aren't a burden to someone else. Make Someday happen starting today.

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