Guess what? Summer is HERE!!!
Okay, that's not much of a headline. If you have a calendar, you probably turned the page and found it is now June. While technically the summer solstice arrives the third week of June, if you went for a walk last weekend like I did, you must have noticed it is considerably warmer than it was just a few weeks ago.

If you haven't booked your summer time cruise, there's no time to waste now. People frequently ask if I know of any good cruise deals because of the economy, and my answer is that there are always cruise deals, if you are flexible. However, most of us aren't prepared to travel anywhere at any time. The fact that schools all over the world take breaks between June and August means demand increases dramatically for these months. As people return from early summer cruises raving about what great times they had on vacations, their co-workers and neighbors begin to realize they should take their families on vacation. Summer demand snowballs.
Without getting into destinations, you might want to open up your minds as to what category of room and which ships will actually work for you.

Then again, don't cheap yourself out of a great experience you really can afford. Vacation memories last a lifetime. When you consider how many summers you have in your entire life and subtract the ones already passed, you realize there really aren't that many.

Waiting five years will probably find the prices considerably higher. Your kids will be five years older, and perhaps they will no longer be willing or able to travel with you. Perhaps your health will falter. Who knows? Seize the day. Live your life. If you aren't you, then who will be?
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