Saturday, August 29, 2009

UConn Move-in

Julie and I took a redeye flight on Virgin America with Amy to Boston and then drove to Storrs, Connecticut, to help her move into her dorm room at Uconn. Hopefully, the movie hotlinks included will replace photos, since I forgot my camera. Just click on the underlined words.

We stopped at Target to stock up on a list of items Julie and Amy had listed to buy, in their usual organized way. I think we were all surprised to finish everything easily before the 5 PM Convocation, including my big projects, acting as pack mule to get stuff up to the third floor and building a bookcase.

Laszlo and Gina rented a car and drove up from New York City to join us for about three hours, bringing a housewarming plant to Amy. They were taking a weekend in New England, and had a room booked in Portland, Maine, that night.

We all headed to the Convocation at Gampel Pavilion, home of the famous UConn Huskies men's and women's basketball teams. All the championships listed on the walls are quite impressive.

As we arrived we enjoyed the music played by the UConn band, which sounded terrific in the enclosed arena, and two baton twirlers were flawless, with high tosses and other great tricks. The honored professors and regents entered in their assorted colorful robes and hats, proceeding to impressively make speeches.

There was supposed to be a big barbecue afterwards, but rain forced it indoors to four of the dining rooms. We took Gina and Laszlo over to see the dorm room first, and then stood in line about twenty minutes for some great burgers. The veggie burger was particularly good, although it definitely tasted like vegetables rather than beef.

UConn started as an agricultural school, and agricultural research is still an important program. Amy has become very interested in nutrition and exercise lately, and Gina gave her a book called "The Omnivore's Dilemma" as a gift. Amy had been reading it when she registered for classes, and it so happened that one of the honors classes used that as its text books. Perhaps that field, rather than journalism, will end up hooking her.

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