Monday, April 23, 2012

You Earned It!

Last night on one of our favorite television shows, Celebrity Apprentice, the brilliant Penn Jillette was fired for an advertising slogan considered "too pompous."

What could possibly be too pompous in promoting the ultimate self-promoter Donald Trump's new cologne modestly called Success?

"You Earned it."

Apparently Macy's execs are so afraid of offending Occupy Wall Street protestors, who attribute success to luck and chicanery but nonetheless have sixty bucks to pluck down for a nicely packaged bottle of a few cents worth of scent, that they consider attributing Success to focus, drive and hard work as being snobbish.


That's exactly what is wrong economically with the United States and the world currently.  Too many people would rather stand in line to buy lottery tickets because they don't understand that success is the effect of easily traceable causes.

I have no trouble saying you earned the success you have.  And I believe you have not only the right but the obligation to enjoy it.  As you pursue that which you want, you motivate yourself to serve others.  Perhaps you even employ others to help you serve others.  Regardless, whether you've been slugging it out in the business world, earning an actual salary or holding down the home front, if you've managed to put away enough extra to go on a vacation, you deserve it.  If you've retired from a lifetime of service, you definitely deserve it right NOW!

You serve as a model to others, showing that hard work and determination yields a rich harvest, and as a result, they should be motivated to do more themselves.

Not only that,  but when you spend your hard-earned money to give your family a dream vacation, you stimulate the economy, creating jobs for others serving your family's needs.  It is truly win-win.

Where will you go?  I'd love to help you plan your next great vacation.  There are lots of terrific choices for this summer, expecially in the Mediterranean, which is truly amazing from any perspective.  As always, I have lots of specials, including our Weekly Travel Deals, which this week features Cruise Planners-exclusive special amentities and reduced deposits on ALL Norwegian Freestyle adventures in Europe and Alaska.