Friday, January 18, 2008

More Montana photos; January, 2008

I've previously mentioned that Idaho feels like a speed trap between California and Montana. While driving home, I wanted to be sure I didn't get any tickets, so I consciously stayed about ten miles per hour below the speed limit, just in case I missed some decreased speed sign covered in snow.

When I pulled into Idaho Falls, where I received a speeding ticket last year, I was amused to look to my left and see a car with graphics identifying it as a Nascar Pace vehicle cruising next to me. God must have been sharing a private joke with me, because last year, the highway patrol officer said I was passing two cars when he clocked me on radar, but the only vehicle I remembered passing was a city truck pulling an orange contraption in a trailer. When I looked back from the pace car that was going exactly the same speed as me, sure enough I saw a truck pulling a trailer with an orange contraption inside in front of me again. I just followed him slowly to the freeway interchange, and I'm proud to say I did not get a ticket despite seeing several cop cars parked in the middle of the road pointing radar guns at me all through town.

By the way, if you click on most photos in my blog, the photos will open to larger than full screen, making them easier to view. The top photo is a ski run, and if you look closely, you can see Jay at the bottom. On another ski run photo, he skied out of the picture before I snapped it, but at least the crowds didn't get in the way.