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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jordan river. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jesus in Jerusalem

The Church of All Nations in Jerusalem
For the past twenty years or so, Julie and I have walked rather than drive whenever feasible, and since she retired, we make a point of a dedicated 2 to 4 mile walk every day, which on a cool morning on the beach can be exhausting.  As such, after riding long distances on an air-conditioned tour bus through rugged desert terrain, we're quite impressed to think of these distances being covered on foot by Jesus and His contemporaries.

The Sea of Galilee 

 In the years before He walked 40 miles to the Sea of Galilee region to begin His ministry, Jesus and His family, like all Jews, were required to make several pilgrimages each year from Nazareth to Jerusalem for specific holidays and ceremonies to make sacrifices in the Temple.

According to Killing Jesus, which I read prior to this cruise, the direct route would have been too dangerous, so they had to take a somewhat circuitous route to get there, making the trek even longer.

Old Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives
When Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem for purification, as required under the Law of Moses, an old holy man, Simeon, declared upon seeing young Jesus, that he could die in peace, because he had seen "salvation."  An old prophet, Anna, upon seeing Jesus declared He would be the "redemption of Jerusalem."

Jesus was obviously no ordinary boy.

Ancient Coins at Bergama Museum near Izmir, Turkey
Joseph and Mary sacrificed “a pair of doves or two young pigeons” as required under the law, but because it would have been close to a hundred mile trip from Nazareth, they would've had to buy them at the Temple from a vendor selling sacrificial animals.

To further complicate matters, only Jewish shekels could be used in the Temple to buy the doves, but the official currency of the Roman Empire used in everyday life were Roman denarius.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
It was on these coins that Emperor Caesar August was declared "son of god," promoting the fact that he was the adopted son of Julius Caesar, who had been deified after his assassination.

The justification for the money changing in the Temple was that most coinage bore "graven images," the profiles of monarchs who saw it as a way to increase their prestige, much as current politicians use junk mail trumpeting their greatness using government funds.

The West Wall, all that remains of the Temple of Jerusalem
The money changers took a large fee for their services, and then the sacrificial animal merchants also took sizable profit margins on their wares.  In addition, the impoverished Jews also had to tithe to the Temple using shekels purchased with denarius.

Nonetheless, young Jesus loved the religious philosophizing at the Temple, and when He returned with His parents for Passover at the age of twelve, He amazed the religious scholars with His brilliant insights and deep understanding of the scriptures.
Alley Cat in Jerusalem

Being almost an adult, Jesus was allowed to wander around the big city on His own, and when it came time for their caravan to head back to Nazareth, Joseph and Mary assumed He had gone ahead.  Not seeing Him anywhere in the among their friends heading to Nazareth, they eventually panicked and doubled back to Jerusalem.  After a frantic search, they finally found the preteen boy in the Temple and, like any good parent, asked Jesus how He could treat them like that.

"Why were you searching for me?" He asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

For the first thirty or so years of His life, Jesus lived in Nazareth, apprenticing with His father and eventually becoming a carpenter, with that daily life punctuated by a day of worship on Sabbaths and long journeys to the Temple in Jerusalem for religious celebrations.

Murals Within Church of All Nations in Jerusalem
Over the years of His youth, Jesus became outraged by the commerce within the Temple, which bled what little money Jewish peasants had left for subsistence after Roman taxes.  He saw high priests, Sadducees, living large under the guise of religiosity, while the average Jew struggled to get by.  He understood those wealthy priests took cuts of the money changing and merchandise sales in God's Temple as well as being supported by the mandatory tithes (10% of everything earned) paid to the Temple.

Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Just to be clear, we didn't actually return to Jerusalem after visiting Nazareth, but this seemed too long for a preamble to a post about the River Jordan.  While here, let's jump ahead and tie up the story line of Jesus in Jerusalem.

Years later, after He had been baptized by John the Baptist and embarked on His ministry, Jesus returned to the Temple for Passover and the outrage at what He saw boiled over, motivating Him to overturn the tables of money changers, scattering stacks of coins all across the ground, and open the cages to release the sacrificial animals.

At the Church of the Holy Sepuchre
"My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

The next verse after that in Matthew states, "And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple; and He healed them."  No doubt He was shaking up the status quo.

Of course, eventually Jesus would enter Jerusalem on a young donkey, share the Last Supper with His disciples, be betrayed by Judas, and endure a moment of doubt in the Garden of Gethsemane, after which He would be tried, tormented and crucified.

Upon arising from death, Jesus would become known throughout the world.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Spring Skiing In January

By the time we reached February, lighter-than-usual snow due to El NiƱo had thinned snow coverage below what it has been in December.

The last few days in January were downright warm once we had donned ski clothing layers, although we had a cold snap in the middle of the month when nighttime temperatures dropped to 38 below zero.

Big Sky Resort continued valiant efforts with their snow-making and trail maintenance, but by February 2, thin coverage forced closing some runs to focus on a few favored slopes.

A larger-than-usual crowd on that Friday made it seem more like the public ski mountain that it truly is than the private ski playground that it sometimes feels to be.

I love spring skiing's warmer temperatures, even if snow isn't as good as on frigid winter days, so Julie and I make the best of it.

When Julie joins me two or three days a week, we pick and choose the runs we take.  We ski down Mr. K the most because of its consistently good snow coverage.  Our second top choice is Tippy's Tumble. 


By the end of the day, we've had a lot of great skiing, even if avoiding other skiers is the biggest difference in each time down.

We now both take the shuttle bus from Town Center rather than driving, and we have a pretty good routine down.  When I go alone, Julie drops me at the bus stop and later picks me up, saving me the plodding walk in ski boots.

On solo days, I try to add variety, searching for hidden gems.

Yesterday, with the big crowd forced onto fewer runs ---  compounded by the popular Hangman run being used for a ski race which limited choices further --- there were actually five to fifteen minute waits for lifts, even in the Single line, but I got in some fun runs.

Most of the time we ski down and either get on immediately or wait a couple of minutes.

When we aren't skiing, we take hikes, and the views just walking by the snow-covered golf course in town are pretty awesome.

On Wednesday evenings, Julie and I have been heading to the nearby Wilson Hotel lobby to enjoy live music with a spectacular view of Lone Peak as a scenic backdrop.

Julie took a really great short video of a local pianist one evening, which is linked here.  He called his style sci-fi movie soundtrack, and we quite enjoyed it, just as we have other acts like jazz duo and country-folk singer/songwriter.

Happy Hour makes drink prices very reasonable --- $5 for a craft beer or rum and Diet Coke --- then we head home for dinner.

There's also usually a spirits tasting of some sort, often local Willie's Distillery (highly recommend their Canadian Whiskey, which tastes sort of like Captain Morgan) and Aperol Spritz, a drink I enjoyed for happy hours on our Princess Mediterranean cruise last year.

For our Wedding Anniversary, we headed to Tips Up to split a huge double cheese burger.

Yes, we're quite the big spenders when it comes to dining out on our anniversary, though in our defense, I will say that double burger now costs $28 and does easily feed both of us.

We've also gone to our favorite restaurant, River House Grill, a couple of times for our favorite, fried chicken dinner.  The recipe seems very similar to the one used by my mom and grandmother, so of course we love it.

With three pieces of chicken each, plus side dishes and a supplemental order of onion rings, we have not only dinner but leftovers for lunch the next day.

Mostly we have our meals at home, cycling through dishes we cook no matter where we may call home. 

People we encounter in Big Sky tend to be on vacation, so it is somewhat like living on a cruise ship constantly.

We meet lots of interesting people from around the country who offer a wide spectrum of viewpoints.

Now that Darlene, Brooks and BG3 spend less time in Big Sky in the winter, Julie and Igo through a bit of withdrawal from being away from family after just a week or so. 

We've skied two to four times each week, and just being out of the house keeps us from over-consuming food and media.

In the afternoon, I stand in our bedroom looking out the window to play my guitar and sing a combination of songs memorized fifty years ago along with a few new ones over the course of an hour or so.  It helps with my left hand flexibility, which before I started playing again was slowly succumbing to numbness.

I can't find the exact quote, but I read that Dick Van Dyke said essentially that in his thirties, he exercised to look good.  In his fifties, he exercised to stay fit.  In his seventies, he exercised to stay ambulatory.  In his nineties, he exercises as an act of defiance.  I seem to be on that same track, albeit with a heavier build than that nimble star of a TV show my sister and I watched regularly when we were kids.

I will mention a movie I watched this week free on Amazon Prime.  Air is the Ben Affleck-Matt Damon collaboration about the birth of Nike's Air Jordan phenomenon.  It's a fun look back to the mid-1980's, a wonderful time to be alive, and see the "high tech" of that day.

I've never worn Nike's, having gone from New Balance to Adidas Rod Lavers to my now favorite Skechers, so perhaps that made me reluctant to watch the movie, but like other movies by these guys that I've watched beginning with Good Will Hunting, I found it well done.

Brooks worked many years in product licensing at Ocean Pacific, so I'm sure he would find a lot in Air's milieu relatable.

I've seen Damon in Big Sky skiing --- or actually having lunch at a yurt where we also stop while skiing --- quite a few times in recent years.  If I happen to see him this year, I can mention I enjoyed this new flick, though usually we just exchange glances which I project acknowledges recognition from past years.

I don't bother celebrities I see, including Ben Affleck's ex-wife Jennifer Garner, who also skis in Big Sky.  They're entitled to live wonderful American lives too.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Holy Lands

Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, Israel, site where
the archangel Gabriel appeared to inform Mary that she would
be blessed to give birth to the Son of God, Jesus.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a country more steeped in religion than Israel, where three of the world's great religions began.

As we learned in Sunday School, Moses led his people on an Exodus out of slavery in Egypt, parting the Red Sea en route to the Promised Land.  Moses never saw the Land of Israel, because he could not follow directions.

No, he wasn't ignoring his wife and refusing to stop at a gas station to ask for help.

Old Testament Stories Depicted on
Door at Basilica of the Annunciation
Moses failed to follow God's commands exactly and took credit himself for God's miracle of bringing forth drinking water from a rock.

Interesting that water, the rights for which was the basis for the creation of cities and subsequent civilizations, can often be found at the heart of religions.

Anyway, Moses wandered in the desert for forty years, and in fact, everyone in his generation died before seeing their destination that is now called Israel. 

God gave the Jews many amazing military victories in their prime, and those stories for me as a child were as vivid as The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter for today's youth, thanks to engaging lessons from my great Sunday School teachers, Mr. Ball and Dave Willett, augmented by Charlton Heston movies.

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine (Israel),
site of the manger where Jesus was born to Mary.
Unfortunately, the Israelites didn't stay faithful to God, and subsequently the Promised Land was overtaken by other kingdoms like the Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans, with Jews strewn throughout the world, often initially enslaved, then cyclically they earned freedom, built wealth, suffered persecution for being successful and eventually would be stripped of their wealth and livelihoods, at which point the process would start from scratch again.

Jesus's Childhood Home in Nazareth is thought to be a grotto.

As unlikely as it seems, they continued to practice their religion, which served as a reason to keep their language alive in foreign lands.

Over 2500 years later, Israel was re-established as a Jewish homeland in the aftermath of World War II.

Millions of Jews had been used as laboratory rats and slaughtered in the Holocaust, and some enlightened world leaders determined the best chance for ending the cycle would be to return the Israelites to the land promised to them by God.

Bustling Port of Haifa, Israel

Jews had already begun re-settling in their homeland from the late 1800's with the Zionist movement.  Prior to that, the land in what is now Israel had devolved over the centuries into mostly desolate wasteland under the neglectful care of nomadic wanderers, as you can easily read about in Mark Twain's reflections on the region during the 19th century, The Innocents Abroad.

Japan's Take On Madonna and
Jesus, Part of International Series
of Paintings in Nazareth at the
Church of the Annunciation.

In the interim between Israelites being scattered throughout the earth and the resurrection of Israel, the Jew Jesus of Nazareth rose to become the most famous person to have ever walked the earth.  His followers spread the word far and wide, establishing another great religion, Christianity.

Recently, Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, visited the United States to great fanfare.

The Catholic Church, of course, is headquartered in the Vatican, an independent nation located within Rome.

Catholicism was founded by a disciple of Jesus, the fisherman Simon whom Jesus said he would call Petros (Peter), which means "rock."

Some have speculated the name to be a small bit of black humor based on Jesus foreseeing Peter would deny Him three times before the cock crowed along the way to Jesus's crucifixion, but most believe it was because Jesus knew Peter's heart was always true.

Statue of Simon Peter in his hometown
of Capharnaum by the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus said he would build his church on this Petros, and it is said that Peter's bones are buried beneath St. Peter's Basilica, the incredible Catholic Church at the Vatican.

However, because these lands of Israel are where Jesus grew up, preached, died for our sins and resurrected, it has been considered the Holy Land by Christians for centuries.

Against all odds, Christianity spread to be the dominant religion throughout Europe thanks to Emperor Constantine, a Christian himself who issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD that de-criminalized Christianity in the Roman Empire.

In 325 AD, Constantine's First Council of Nicaea brought together diverse Christian sects (and actually some pagan rituals) into one orthodoxy.  About that same time, Constantine prohibited construction of new pagan temples, and by the end of his reign he was destroying them.

Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee,
where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount.
During our trip, we would visit many remarkable sites said to be the exact places where major events in the life of our Savior unfolded, but most were designated as such in 326 to 328 AD, when Constantine's 80 year-old mother Helena came to the Holy Lands to locate and consecrate them.

It is a matter of faith as to whether you believe she nailed them all exactly based on oral traditions passed down from the time shortly after Jesus returned from death (at which point His followers by all reports had been chased out of town or killed) or if she was duped by con artists seeking royal coin, but it is nonetheless moving to be in the right general areas.

Palace of the Grand Masters of the Knights of  St. John
in Rhodes,  Greece
You may recall that about 800 years later, Europeans became outraged by Muslim persecution of Christians in Jerusalem and began the Crusades to re-claim the Holy Lands.

That, of course, brings up the third great religion of the region, Islam, which accepts most tenets of the Old Testament and the New Testament, except the resurrection of Jesus and the belief that He was the fulfillment of the prophecies.  

Gateway to Old Jerusalem
Muslims believe Mohammed followed Jesus as the next great messenger from God, and in something of a repeat of history, Mohammed led his chosen people to nationhood in the Middle East.

In 570 AD, Mohammed was born in Mecca, which is the holiest city for Muslims.  Islam is linked to Israel because the foundations of his religion are in those earlier religions.  Plus, the Muslim version of manifest destiny calls for them to control all of the Holy Lands, including Israel.

In addition, Mohammed had a special connection to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, because he was taken there one night by an angelic beast named Buraq en route to ascending to heaven to meet the ancient prophets of the Jews and Christians plus even God Himself.

"I was brought by al-Burg who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof at a distance equal to the range of vision. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait-ul Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets."

Jerusalem, Israel
The Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount in Old Jerusalem marks the spot of the ascension to heaven.

The mosque's location creates a major problem for Jews, because it blocks them from re-building the Jewish Temple on the site of the first one built by King Solomon in the tenth century BC.

Mural at Elvis Gas Station Near Jerusalem selling Elvis
postcard that read, "I saw the King in Jerusalem."
Because Israel is a free nation that respects property rights and allows people to worship in any way they want, there is nothing the Jews can do about it.

Let me stress here that there are many things about Islam to be admired, including the fact that followers pray five times each day.

River Jordan Baptismal Area Tiles
Muslims are required to make themselves clean before prayer, which encouraged good hygiene before anyone knew what germs were, similar to "religious" rules from the Old Testament, like the admonishment to never eat pork, which was literally an unclean meat that could make diners quite ill back in those ancient times 

A religion that encourages you to think about God throughout your day and to follow hygienic rules can't be bad, right?

Certainly, some great heroes from my youth like Lew Alcindor (who became Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Cat Stevens still seem to be nice guys following their conversions to Islam, but unfortunately there are also some leaders who preach hatred.

Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives,
where Judas betrayed Jesus.

As peace loving Muslims, Kareem and Cat probably optimistically support the new nuclear agreement with Iran which is being touted to America as a peace agreement by President Obama's administration.

We are a secular country that respects all religions, but founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  Nonetheless, the USA is called "the Great Satan" by many Muslim leaders.

In presenting the same nuclear agreement to his people, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led the crowds in cheers of "Death to America" and promised Israel would not exist in 25 years.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre on
the site where Jesus was crucified.

Tiny Israel has been threatened with annihilation by its neighbors since its re-birth but somehow has managed to hold its own and even win, much like the story of David and Goliath.

I personally think Naziism rather than Islam is to blame for the hatred of the USA and Israel spread by Khamenei and his ilk, but some followers take it on faith when their Imam or Supreme Leader tells them they will be blessed and rewarded in heaven if they strap a bomb on their chests or fly planes into buildings to kill civilians, "because it is the will of Allah."

Yes, these three great religions often find themselves at war with each other, whether both sides actually seek to destroy the other or not.

Getting back to history, as the decades unfolded following the birth of Islam, the Christian Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire, which had ruled the Holy Lands for centuries, gradually receded.

St. George statue at
Church of St. Catherine, built
on the site of a Crusader Church
which had been built on the site
of a 4th Century Monastery
in Bethlehem.
In the late 11th Century, Catholic Pope Urban II called for a Crusade to recapture Jerusalem.

Over the last 50 years or so, movies, novels and even textbooks have re-framed the Crusades as a reckless encroachment by Christians on Muslims.

The power of Hollywood in particular to influence popular opinion should never be underestimated, and while I won't deny there being multiple sides to every story, I think perhaps Crusaders have been overly vilified of late.

To put it in perspective, consider the middle three letters in JerUSAlem happen to be USA.

If the USA was overrun by people taking away our Constitutional freedoms, would we not want to re-claim our country?

As you probably know, Muslims conquered most of the region, and eventually the great Ottoman Empire arose as one of the richest and most powerful kingdoms ever.

Hagia Sophia (means "Holy Wisdom") was the
greatest church in the Byzantine Empire
from 537 AD to 1453. In 1453 it was
converted into a mosque.  In 1935, Turkey
re-opened this Istanbul highlight as a museum.

The name of the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire's former capital, Constantinople (named after the Christian Roman Emperor Constantine), became Istanbul.

Constantinople's most spectacular church, Hagia Sophia, was converted to serve as a mosque.

As we all know, even within these great religions, there are differences.

Protestants and Catholics fought many wars over whose version of Christian religion was closer to what God would want, but not lately.

Other newer spin-offs of Christianity that feature latter-day prophets of a sort include Mormonism, Christian Science, and Religious Science, but they generally haven't killed each other as a matter of principle.

The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

While Ultra-orthodox and Orthodox Jews may not fully approve of Liberal Jews like our guides, who work or even ride in buses on the Sabbath, they aren't trying to kill them.

With the new millennium, we have grown accustomed to seeing hatred within Islam between Shia, Sunni and Kurds, as played out in Iraq, continuing as it has for centuries.

Baha'i World Center and Gardens in Haifa, Israel
A spin-off from Sunni Islam is Baha'i, which is now headquartered in Haifa, Israel.

Baha'i expands on the basics of Islam, including its foundations in Judaism and Christianity, while adding the lessons of  Buddha, Krishna and essentially anyone else who has some positive words of enlightenment.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre
in Jerusalem Where Jesus
Was Buried and 

In the 1800s, their new prophet, BahĆ”’u’llĆ”h, proclaimed there is only one God, worshiped by different religions in their own rituals, and that there is a spiritual unity of all of mankind.

So, of course, he was forced into exile.  Early Baha'is were slaughtered, and present day followers continue to be persecuted in Muslim counties, including present-day Iran where the religion started.

I don't present this as an attempt to imply any status of absolute truth to Baha'i or to convert anyone.

Rather, I think it is a good modern day example of the challenges Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and their followers overcame spreading a gospel of love in an age long before the existence of mass communication that encircles the world in an instant.

Wes in Big Comfy Couch on Azamara Journey

Yes, this is a long-winded opening to the Holy Lands we explored on Azamara Journey, but if you think about it, compared to all the chapters of history that have unfolded during that time, this wouldn't even qualify as a Cliffs Notes version.

By the way, you can click on any of the photos to enlarge them to make them easier to see, and the hotlinks take you to pages I selected to share for anyone who wants to know more on that topic.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Temples of Karnak and Luxor

We received a wake-up call at 4:30 AM on our last morning at the Cairo Marriott.

After setting our luggage outside our room, we headed down for the early continental breakfast, which turned out to include a chef preparing fresh eggs to order, so not exactly roughing it.

Our group gathered in the lobby to take a bus to the airport.  Every time we boarded the bus, we found a list prepared by our guide Fawzy assigning seats, which is a very good system.  We moved around to different spots throughout the tour, avoiding any problems over time with some staking out what for some reason might be preferred seats.

The flight to Luxor took about an hour.  We had the usual long wait for luggage, but soon we were off to the Temple of Karnak.

Pharaohs ruled Egypt for about 3,000 years, basically from the start of "history" (anything before a written record is by definition "Prehistoric") to the early Roman Empire, when Egypt's Cleopatra took her own life.

Because that is such an enormous span of time, historians have designated three eras, simply called the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom, with New being a relative term still ending before Jesus Christ was born.

Our time in Cairo had focused on the era of the magnificent stone Pyramids, which was the Old Kingdom.  

The Old Kingdom collapsed, probably devolving into infighting among contenders to the throne.

Some theorize that spending for massive Pyramids and treasures buried with the Pharaohs drained the wealth of Egypt, leading to this unrest.  Others claim that it was the lack of building a major public works project like Pyramids resulting in unemployment, with idle people having time to stir up trouble.

Whatever the case, eventually a new great Pharaoh arose in the ancient city of Thebes and united Egypt again under his rule.

Pharaoh Ahmose I credited Amun, the local god of Thebes, for his victory over the Hyksos, who were foreign rulers from the Levant.  It is unclear exactly who the Levant rulers were, but they came from the area now encompassed by modern-day Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Some think these invaders were Canaanites, while others believe they were Israelites.

The line of Pharaohs that arose from Thebes in that era claimed to have been selected by Amun and essentially to be gods themselves, descended from Amun.  

Somehow, Amun morphed with the god Ra to become Amun-Ra.

Amun-Ra was more popular than The Beatles --- as a time-travelling John Lennon might have said --- for Egyptians.

Rather than building Pyramids, this new batch of Pharaohs devoted great riches to embellishing the Temple at Karnak and the nearby festival grounds in Luxor.

Our guide Fawzy said that we could assume that the inner sanctums were the oldest, and that they kept building newer sections over the ages, but I have also learned that Pharaohs remodeled the temple literally in their own images.

For example, they would chisel out the name of a prior Pharaoh and write their own name instead, or change the face of a god or Pharaoh to reflect the current leadership.

They felt justified in doing this because as the current Pharaoh, they had inherited the royal Ka, or essence of being, so they essentially were the new god.  And you thought Joe Biden and Donald Trump had big egos!

As mentioned previously, King Tut and his father Akhenaten had been so thoroughly erased from history by Pharaoh Ay that Tut's tomb remained hidden until 1922, which resulted in the boy Pharaoh intended to be erased from history becoming arguably the most famous Pharaoh of all.

Not only did Pharaohs replace names and faces in the art, but sometimes Pharaohs replaced entire shrines and buildings.  As to how Egyptologists figure all of this out from rubble to rebuild is beyond me.

Something else I could not fathom is the logic of why the Pharaohs built so many massive columns so close together.  After all, as a modern husband I have watched the Property Brothers increase the value of older properties by creating open floorplans.

Obviously, a much different aesthetic was in play in ancient Egypt, but these old structures are nonetheless awesome, and I guess that is the intent: to inspire awe.

I must confess that often my mind was more concerned with looking at the structures and finding shade than setting my brain to record exactly what was being said about the long line of different Pharaohs.

Regarding the structures, I recall Fawzy pointed out that while there are many amazing historical sites in Egypt, lots of artifacts and full structures were carried away by conquerors and now reside in places like the British Museum.

He pointed out two huge granite obelisks which were quarried from single slabs before being transported about 150 miles on the Nile from Aswan, or basically a reverse of our upcoming river cruise.  The Obelisk of Thutmose is 75 feet tall and estimated to weigh about 150 tons, whereas the one built by Queen Hatshepsut is 97 feet tall and estimated to weigh 320 tons (and some claim as much as 700 tons).

The process of standing each of them upright was a massive undertaking in its own right.  Quite remarkable that Egyptians accomplished this without modern heavy equipment, just as we can say about constructing the Pyramids.  Fawzy sadly added that there are now more Egyptian obelisks in the city of Rome than in all of Egypt combined.

On the religious front, you may recall that Pharaoh Akhenaten (King Tut's father) abandoned the polytheistic traditions --- and the whole great conqueror role that always came with his position as monarch of Egypt --- to worship one god, Ra, making the Egyptian religion a precursor to the one God tradition of the Hebrews and what you might call the Allah traditional belief of Islam.

I was raised in a Christian church that focused on the concept of one God, with Jesus and the Holy Ghosts being one with God the Father, but many traditions including Catholic and Episcopalian recite the Nicene Creed, with all that its focus on the Holy Trinity implies.  The name Amun is obviously quite similar to the word we say at the end of our prayers.  Amen.

At Karnak, in addition to the main temple for Amun-Ra, there is a second smaller temple for his wife Mut (also called Amunset) and another smaller temple for their son Khonsu, so that's also a holy trinity of sorts.

It also has the tradition of a holy mother, not unlike that found in some Christian sects that emphasize the importance of the Virgin Mary.

As to whether these are coincidences, selective perceptions or related to some deeper truth is for you to decide for yourself.

Despite all the great wealth devoted to the Temple of Karnak, the only people allowed to be inside the walls to appreciate it were the priests, the Pharaoh and presumably those family members and guests the Pharaoh might invite to join him.

Once a year, however, the "Inundation" must arrive to bring prosperity to Egypt for another year.

The Season of the Inundation, of course, was the annual flooding of the Nile, which would bring them another year of abundant food and all that entails.

Scientifically speaking, we know the Nile was going to flood no matter what rites were performed by the priests, Pharaoh and worshippers, but who wanted to take that chance?

Especially when they could celebrate in Luxor with the spectacular Festival of Opet.

The three gods were paraded along a 1.7 mile route lined with ram-horned sphinx statues, a dedicated road from the Temple of Karnak to the celebration grounds in Luxor.

With the common people not being worthy to see the actual statues of the gods, the priests put the statues into barks, which were boats with long handles for the priests to parade them into town, all the time cheered by the worshippers who lined the path.

People would shout out questions, and sometimes the gods would answer by going forward or backward, which of course would have been whatever the priests carrying the barks did, unless you believe in Ouija Boards.

The Pharaoh would play some public ceremonial parts to get the blessing of the gods.

Then there would be a huge party in Luxor, with lots of drinking and presumably sex, based on the small but hugely erect statues of the fertility god Amun-Min displayed in the gift shop of our cruise ship.

Speaking of the cruise ship, we boarded M.S. Queen of Hansa for lunch after our tour of the Temple of Karnak.  After two hour in 100 degree heat of that open-air museum, we were ready for an air-conditioned break.

While the optional afternoon felucca boat ride excursion sounded tempting, we just wanted to eat lunch and then relax before heading over to nearby Luxor to see the festival grounds.

Evening temperatures were cooler, and we were fully refreshed to explore the wonders of Luxor.

Without delving too deeply into history, I will note that Alexander the Great, upon conquering Egypt, became Pharaoh.  In Thebes, he put his personal stamp on the temples in the same manner as Pharaohs before him.

Alexander III of Macedon had been educated by Aristotle, so he knew about the glories of Egypt.  Egypt by then had been conquered by the Persians.

Alexander had been told by his mother Olympias that his real father was the Greek god Zeus, who had struck her womb with a lightening bolt.

Alexander the Great conquered many territories held by the Persians, including Egypt.

Alexander took an arduous journey through the desert to Siwa to seek out an oracle for Amun-Ra.

The oracle proclaimed Alexander the Great was indeed the son of Amun, who Alexander the Great came to refer to as Amun-Zeus.

Perhaps because of this, Egyptians accepted the rule of this "foreigner," and Alexander embraced his role as Pharaoh, which after all essentially made him a god.

Still mortal, Alexander died while still a young man.  Had he lived, it would be a different world today.

Alexander's sprawling worldwide empire was divided among three generals, one of whom was Ptolemy, who would rule Egypt. 

While there are other Pharaohs associated with Luxor, including Hatshepsut, a woman Pharaoh whose temple we would visit later in the trip, Alexander is so close to the end of the Pharaohs that I decided to follow through to the last great Pharaoh, who was also a woman and is well-known.  

Pharaoh Ptolemy I reigned from the city of Alexandria and was a productive Pharaoh, but ruled like a Greek, not an Egyptian.  While Egyptians appreciated their isolation along the Nile, Greeks embraced the sea and world trade.

The next 12 Pharaohs Ptolemaic line were all named Ptolemy.  They didn't bother to venture from the Greek-dominated metropolis of Alexandria into greater Egypt or to learn the Egyptian language.  The daughter of Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra, was ordered by her father to marry her brother Ptolemy XIII, carrying on the family tradition. 

While that practice seems odd, apparently not only was it common for Pharaohs (unclear if it was a ceremonial wedding or ... yuck!!!), but Cleopatra was actually the seventh queen in the family tree named Cleopatra destined to marry a Ptolemy.  

Cleopatra, however, was very well educated and smarter than Ptolemy XIII.  Unlike other Ptolemies, she had traveled through Egypt to tour its wonders and learn about its culture.  Cleopatra was the first in the Ptolemy line to learn the Egyptian language.

She looked to the larger picture and realized rather than marrying her brother and paying tribute to the Roman Empire with the vast wealth still generated by the Nile Inundation, there was a better way forward for her and Egypt.  She would rather rule at the side of the Roman general in Egypt, who held the real power.

Cleopatra reigned over Egypt with Roman Julius Caesar, who could resist neither the allure of Cleopatra nor the ego-trip of being considered to be a god.  

Cleopatra accompanied him to Rome in glory, all of which was backstory for the Ides of March.  Their son Caesarion became her co-ruler as Ptolemy XV after Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman Senators. 

Cleopatra had a subsequent relationship with Caesar's successor, Marc Antony, which ended tragically.  Her son Caesarion was killed by Julius Caesar's nephew Octavian within days of Cleopatra's suicide, in August of the year 30 B.C., and that was the last of the Pharaohs.



