Monday, April 24, 2017

You're One of Us!

Did you ever look at the birth of the computer age ask yourself, "Why didn't I do what Bill Gates did?"

I kind of liked the idea of computers and even took that class at the community college where I figured out how to write my girlfriend's name using the holes on punched cards."

I've also thought I could have written a fantasy about a school for sorcerers like J.K. Rowling, or rhythmically chanted some angry poetry to the background of a classic Aerosmith song, just like you could have.

Only, we didn't.

Truth is, I know I personally not only lack the raw talent and brilliance but, perhaps more significantly, the dedication and perseverance to do anything worthy of great wealth.

Whether or not you feel that way about yourself, neither of us are among the super rich who must worry constantly about the safety of their families. unable to go anywhere without top security.

We don't live in gigantic mansions staffed by dozens of servants, with all the headaches that might entail.

No, we just live comfortable lives.

We raised our families so that, as Dad used to say, our kids had shoes as good as the neighbor's kids.

We struggled sometimes, and helped our children find the right paths and occasionally punished them --- often feeling empathy for their plight --- after we helped them out of trouble that could have had much worse consequences.

And now, we find ourselves living in a world where we can get back to some of the travel dreams we had when we were younger.

Our kids are happy for us to have a chance to see the world in style.

Psychologically, they perhaps see us more clearly as we truly are than we see ourselves.

We are no longer struggling.

We have arrived.

But we still want to learn and grow.

Inside, we're still those young seekers we were in college, chasing authentic experiences.

And we want to see the world we've heard about our whole lives.

We want to play darts in Ireland tipping a pint of Guinness and explore the artistic treasures of Italy. We want to climb to the top of breathtaking Machu Picchu and laugh with monkeys in Costa Rica.

Our time is now.

Baby boomers actually have the time and --- this is where our kids see us better than we see ourselves --- money to make it happen.

Where have you always dreamt of going?

While Princess Cruises identifies the meaningful traveler as the core of its audience for wide-ranging destinations (a theme echoed by other ocean cruise lines as well), you can't see everything from coastal cities.

Many of us have been fortunate to have cruised places like the Mediterranean and Panama Canal, but now we may be ready to go deeper into the continents.

River cruises certainly have wonderful appeal to us, with amazing tours at each stop of their port-intensive itineraries, but it is also time to consider packaged land tours.

Globus puts together perfectly planned vacations. Globus has lots of quality inclusions, and that alone saves you money over booking independently by the time you've paid all your admissions.

Top-notch transportation serves a dual role, taking us on expertly guided excursions and to quality hotels --- first classs or higher --- in carefully selected locations. All of these comfortable hotels have modern amenities, including free wifi. In Europe and America, the tour buses also have free wifi, so you can stay in touch with your business back home, if you must.

You have VIP access to the must-see attractions, where you skip the long lines to go instead to your "Happy Line."  Then expert guidance makes sure you catch all the highlights, and understand their significance.

Getting through the major attractions faster --- and not getting lost along the way thanks to expert drivers as well as guides --- means you have more free time to explore on your own.

And don't forget Globus Local Favorites, where you get a taste of the local culture that you would probably miss traveling on your own.

Globus isn't the only tour company, but they do a terrific job for most people.

There are packaged tours that cost less, and also some that cost considerably more; we can find one that works for your budget and fulfills your dreams.

Where in the world do you want to go?

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