Sunday, December 20, 2015

Journey in Uncertain Times?

Near the Greek Isle of Lesbos on a perfect summer afternoon, a small boat filled with Syrian refugees bobbed on the small waves that our 30,000 ton cruise ship, Azamara Journey, easily cut through.

Its motor had conked out, whether due to lack of fuel or maintenance issues, and emergency oars now served as its only propulsion.

Observing the basic maritime law to always help anyone in danger at sea, Captain Johannes announced he would be turning the ship around to offer assistance.

This led to speculation by guests, unsure whether this was indeed an emergency or perhaps a trap by pirates or suicide bombers, as we stood by the railing observing our approach.

Though not as young as we imagined ourselves to be, most of us were prepared to spill our drinks or even delay our gourmet dinners to offer assistance to these pitiful souls or fight off the bastards, depending on what turned out to be true when we reached them.

As it turned out, both the Greek and Turkish Coast Guards responded, and so we once again turned to continue on our way to Istanbul.

Before embarking on our amazing voyage to the Holy Lands,  many friends, upon hearing of our plans, asked if we weren't afraid to travel in such uncertain times.

I've heard similar concerns frequently over the last fifteen years, whether because of terror, weather, financial panic, health scares or war.

Upon much contemplation on the subject, I don't know that certain times have ever existed.

During out trip, we caught occasional glimpses of the news on our stateroom TV as we changed clothes.

They revealed the world hadn't gotten safer. Demonstrations against Syrian refugees and police in Hungary and the US.  Stabbings in Jerusalem.  Bombs in Anatolia.  El Nino in California.

Essentially, the same information freezing otherwise adventurous people.

If you want to go, go.

Staying home with your remote control and blanket may seem like the safe choice, but whether you anxiously watch the news or obliviously delve into video games and TV sitcoms, you can't avoid the fact that when your time is up, it's up.

Why not explore the REAL world during your time on this amazing garden planet?

Better service leads to better trips!

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