Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Lost City of Boppard

Cruising Past a Castle on the Rhine
No, Boppard is not the lost city of the Incas nor a destination for the next Indiana Jones Adventure.

I call it the lost city of Boppard because I totally forgot visiting it until I showed Julie a couple of photos on my phone and asked her where I had taken them.

I think it speaks volumes about how many amazing destinations we explored on this cruise that I could forget a UNESCO World Heritage stop.

Red Fall Leaves by River Queen in Boppard
The only clue I had that it wasn't our next destination of Cochem was that I saw a photo of our haute cuisine turkey with stuffing and geometric mashed potatoes between photos of the lost city and Cochem, and I knew that turkey had been dinner on the ship.

For a few minutes, Julie recounted how our small group followed our Cruise Manager Rick through a painted archway into the historic village.   After looking around, we walked down the road to the Roman fort ruins where I had snapped my mystery photos. 

Gate to Boppard
Yes, it started to come back to me.

We had been in Rudesheim in the morning, and upon returning to the ship, I had a delicious dark beer with my lunch.

We went up to the lounge chairs for an afternoon of cruising down the Rhine, looking at vineyards, villages and castles along the way.

A waitress brought me a second beer, which in my normal life would hit my maximum alcohol consumption on any given day.

Then, another waitress appeared carrying a tray of Rudesheimer Kaffees, and of course I had one to be polite, especially since all the drinks onboard were included at no extra charge.

Wes and Juie at Roman Ruins
Later that same afternoon, we arrived in Boppard, the last stop before River Queen's captain would navigate from the Rhine to the even more twisty Moselle River.

In Boppard, Germany, there were beautiful churches, winestubes, timbered houses, deluxe restaurants, stone houses, gift shops and many other elements found in other charming villages on the Rhine.

As I mentioned previously, if you don't do something unique at each stop, it can confuse your recollections, and I proved that point to myself more dramatically than I would have intended.

Delicious Turkey Clue
Anyway, this was another beautiful stop packed with history. 

And that turkey dinner, served with regional wine?


What an amazing trip!

800,000 Euro Timbered House on River for Sale in Boppard

"Stein Riche" is an old German term for someone rich enough to own a stone house.

That's Year Built On This Home, Not the Address

Roman Ruins
Roman Wall
St. Severus Church

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